Why AIS?
As computers have become more common in our lives, they have also become more complex.  It is virtually impossible for a business or family to get by without at least one computer, but their increasing complexity makes it more vulnerable to hardware and software problems, and outside threats such as viruses, spyware and malware.  Adams Information Systems offers support for all aspects of computer use.

Who Does AIS Help?
We can help people with home systems, home businesses and small businesses.  Based out of Aurora, IL, we serve Kane and DuPage counties, as well as other nearby communities.

What Can AIS Help With?
First, advice.  We can talk with you to determine your exact needs, discuss options, and look for the best deals at a variety of suppliers and stores.  We can go over the advantages of computer types, software, service plans, accessories and software.
Next, we can help with setup.  Configuration of the computers, setup of printers, data transfer from a previous system, finding the best internet service provider, and network configuration, either wired or wireless.
Also, we can help maintain the system.  We can show you how to protect yourself from internal and external threats, periodic cleaning and maintenance, and backup of your important data.
Finally, if something does go wrong, we are there to help you.  Whether it involves just tweaking a system that is perfectly fine but just has to have some settings fixed, to repair of the system, or replacement of defective parts.  We will ensure that you are back up and running in the shortest time and with the least impact on your business or personal life.
Contact Information:

Owner:  JD Adams

Adams Information Systems
2120 Lilac Ln, G2
Aurora, IL  60506
